My Goals

The spectacle offered today by Belgian society, Europe and the Western world in general is not a pleasant one to contemplate for people for whom the values that have been the foundations of our way of life have not been an empty word.

Our society has become far too permissive, has lost its soul and is in full decline. The laws and regulations that govern our society are no longer adapted to the rise in crime, terrorism and religious radicalism of all faiths.

Crimes and offenses against the person are decriminalized. Only the victims and their families suffer. Under the guise of tolerance, we have left the door open to intolerance.

The excessive demands of minorities, whether ethnic, religious or sexual, for greater rights are gradually undermining the foundations of our society by threatening the very foundations of democracy that they so loudly demand and all too easily spit on.

The notion of what is reasonable has given way to excess, as evidenced by the importance given by weak administrations in power to movements such as the Woke, BLM, LGBT and tutti quanti, which are mainly funded by foreign powers that threaten the free world.

The capacity for reflection, analysis and reasoning seems to have left the individual, who undergoes incessant brainwashing with unsubstantiated information disseminated by social networks that are controlled by the enemies of democracy and individual freedom. Everything published on the Internet is taken by a large percentage of the population as gospel, without questioning the veracity of what is published, and without asking who is pulling the strings behind the scenes to foment mass movements that weaken free countries.

I cannot remain indifferent to this caricature of our modern world.

European politicians, too concerned to hold on to their electorate, dare not give the starboard rudder that will prevent our society from sinking into the abyss of anarchy, religious extremism or the resurgence of ideologies that have caused the extermination of millions of human beings in the past.

Given the inadequacies and deficiencies of the system currently in place, I have decided to devote myself to perpetuating these values, which are all too often flouted today in Belgium and throughout the world, in order to re-establish our traditions and way of life.

If you share my opinion and are ready to do something to save our free world and our way of life, please contact me by e-mail at or by using the contact form.

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